Wooly Pig

Wooly Pig

SF Bay Area

At Wooly Pig, we believe that food should be a nostalgic journey, a delicious voyage back to the flavors and aromas of our childhood. Our passion lies in reimagining classic Asian dishes, infusing them with creativity and love, to bring you a dining experience that's both familiar and excitingly unique. Wooly Pig was born out of a shared love for the comforting flavors that defined our upbringing. We grew up savoring the rich, diverse tastes of Asian cuisine, and those memories ...more At Wooly Pig, we believe that food should be a nostalgic journey, a delicious voyage back to the flavors and aromas of our childhood. Our passion lies in reimagining classic Asian dishes, infusing them with creativity and love, to bring you a dining experience that's both familiar and excitingly unique. Wooly Pig was born out of a shared love for the comforting flavors that defined our upbringing. We grew up savoring the rich, diverse tastes of Asian cuisine, and those memories are woven into every dish we create. Our culinary journey is guided by the belief that food is not just sustenance; it's a celebration of culture, a connection to our roots, and bringing people together. We take the traditional recipes we grew up with and add our own twist, resulting in dishes that honor tradition while pushing culinary boundaries. Our chefs are skilled artisans, passionate about experimenting with flavors and ingredients to deliver an unforgettable dining experience. At Wooly Pig, you can expect dishes that are both comforting and surprising, creating a delightful fusion of the old and the new. Our tagline, "Made with Hella Love," encapsulates our commitment to crafting each dish with the utmost care and dedication. Every ingredient is thoughtfully selected, every recipe meticulously perfected, and every plate prepared with an abundance of love. When you dine with us, you're not just enjoying a meal; you're experiencing the warmth and passion we pour into every bite.


A La Carte

If our catering packages don't fit your needs, Wooly Pig also offers a la carte ordering.

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We’re an online catering marketplace featuring vetted menus designed to work for groups large and small.

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