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4.5 (10 reviews)
100% Recent Order Success Rate
0 issues in the last 9 orders
Staff Pick
Menu checked for nuts.
Unless an item is explicitly tagged with (N), everything else on this menu is nut free.
Disclaimer: restaurant carries nuts, so there is risk of cross contamination.
Choose 1
Food served in aluminum & plastic. We will not come back
Food served on metal heating trays & platters. We will come back to collect our ware either in the afternoon or the next business day
Sautéed with green bell peppers & onions
Curated menu items that pair with this package.
Assorted types
With granola and fruit
Priced per person
Blueberry, strawberry, low-fat vanilla yogurt, honey
Kale, spinach, pineapple, banana, mango
Priced per person, served family style
If you'd like, please specify between pumpkin, pecan, apple, or sweet potato
With all the works (milk, sugar, etc.)
Check out more from this restaurant: Marvin Gardens Catering Full Menu.
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