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5.0 (7 reviews)
Staff Pick
Bacon, eggs, cheese, breakfast potatoes, sour cream, and pico de gallo
Sausage, eggs, cheese, breakfast potatoes, sour cream, and pico de gallo
Eggs, cheese, breakfast potatoes, sour cream, and pico de gallo
Tofu, breakfast potatoes, and pico de gallo
Bacon, eggs, cheese, breakfast potatoes, sour cream, and pico de gallo. Served with corn tortillas on the side
Sausage, eggs, cheese, breakfast potatoes, sour cream, and pico de gallo. Served with corn tortillas on the side
Eggs, cheese, breakfast potatoes, sour cream, and pico de gallo. Served with corn tortillas on the side
Tofu, breakfast potatoes, and pico de gallo. Served with corn tortillas on the side
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Includes cups, stirrers, creamer, and sweetner
Salvadoran Beans and Rice
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