Dig into these traditional Burmese snacks! Perfect for a casual meeting or happy hour
Staff Pick
Menu checked for nuts.
Unless an item is explicitly tagged with (N), everything else on this
menu is nut free.
Disclaimer: restaurant carries nuts, so there is risk of cross
Choice of Appetizers
Extra appetizers available for
$3.67 per
Vegetarian Burmese Samosas
Burmese pastries with curry potatoes and shallots. Served with homemade tangy sauce
Platha & Vegetarian Dipping Sauce
Bread served with coconut vegetarian curry dipping sauce
Sweet & Spicy Chicken Wings
With garlic chili sauce
Tofu Salt & Pepper
With fried garlic and jalapeño. Served with chili sauce
Yellow Bean Tofu
Served with homemade chili sauce
Shrimp Salt & Pepper
With fried garlic and jalapeño. Served with chili sauce
Salt & Pepper Chicken Wings
With salt & pepper, bell pepper, onion, and jalapeños
Calamari Salt & Pepper
With fried garlic and jalapeño. Served with chili sauce
Platha & Chicken Dipping Sauce
Bread served with coconut chicken curry dipping sauce
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Catering Salads
Small Tray of Tea Leaf Salad
2 other size(s) available
Serves ~15 per
small tray
Traditional hand-picked tea leaf dressing with crunchy mix (peanuts, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, fried lentils and fried garlic wonton chips)
Small Tray of Mango Salad
2 other size(s) available
Serves ~15 per
small tray
Burmese salad with mango and crunchy mix (peanuts, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, fried lentils and fried garlic wonton chips)
Small Tray of Rainbow Salad
2 other size(s) available
Serves ~15 per
small tray
Assorted noodles with papaya, cabbage, saffron rice, potatoes, jalapeños, tomatoes, red onions, cilantro, yellow bean powder, crushed chili flakes, tamarind juice, and chili oil
Small Tray of Ginger Salad
2 other size(s) available
Serves ~15 per
small tray
Lettuce & cabbage with ginger and crunchy mix (peanuts, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, fried lentils and fried garlic wonton chips)
Small Tray of Samosa Salad
2 other size(s) available
Serves ~15 per
small tray
Lettuce with vegetarian samosas, cabbage, cucumber, mint, cut onion, and cilantro
Small Tray of Burmese Chicken Salad
2 other size(s) available
Serves ~15 per
small tray
Chicken salad with garlic chips, cucumber, fried onion, and homemade sauce
Catering Sides
Small Tray of Platha
2 other size(s) available
Serves ~15 per
small tray
Flaky flatbread
Small Tray of Jasmine Rice
2 other size(s) available
Serves ~15 per
small tray
Small Tray of Brown Rice
2 other size(s) available
Serves ~15 per
small tray
Small Tray of Coconut Rice
2 other size(s) available
Serves ~15 per
small tray