Vietnamese Bento Buffet

Little Green Cyclo
By Little Green Cyclo
  • 1026 W Evelyn Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94086
Dive into the vibrant flavors of Vietnam with these rice vermicelli bento entrees

Menu: $16.50

Staff Pick

Menu checked for nuts.

Unless an item is explicitly tagged with (N), everything else on this menu is nut free.

Disclaimer: restaurant carries nuts, so there is risk of cross contamination.

Choice of Bentos

Served deconstructed-style, with all ingredients in separate trays

  • Bun Cha Ha Noi Vermicelli Noodle Bento Box GF N

    Hanoi-style noodles with vermicelli, housemade pork patties & grilled pork jowl, lettuce, vietnamese herbs, pickled daikon & carrots, topped with roasted crushed peanuts, fried shallots & green onion oil. Fish sauce vinaigrette on the side

  • Fried Chicken Vermicelli Noodle Bento Box N

    Lettuce, vietnamese herbs, topped with roasted crushed peanuts, fried shallots & green onion oil, tamarind fish sauce vinaigrette on the side

  • Vegan Lemongrass Impossible "Beef" Vermicelli Noodle Bento Box VG GF N

    Lettuce, vietnamese herbs, topped with roasted crushed peanuts, fried shallots & green onion oil, gluten-free soy sauce vinaigrette on the side

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