Hearty Italian Buffet

By Sugo
  • San Jose, CA, USA
Traditional Italian dishes served family-style for a comforting meal your team will love

Menu: $12.51

Staff Pick

Menu checked for nuts.

Unless an item is explicitly tagged with (N), everything else on this menu is nut free.

Disclaimer: restaurant carries nuts, so there is risk of cross contamination.

Choice of Entrees

Extra entrees available for $8.76 per portion

Up to 2*
+1 Additional Veg

  • Pasta with Bolognese +$0.62

    Made with pork and beef. Served with parmigiano cheese on the side

  • Pasta with Arrabbiata Sauce VG +$0.62

    Served with parmigiano cheese on the side (cheese is not vegan)

  • Pasta with Marinara Sauce VG +$0.62

    Served with parmigiano cheese on the side (cheese is not vegan)

  • Traditional Meat Lasagna +$2.50

    Made with pork and beef

  • Chicken Pizzaiola GF +$1.87

    Made with mozzarella

  • Meatballs +$2.50

    Made with pork and beef

  • Baked Pasta with Zucchini and Italian Cheese V +$1.25
  • Baked Pasta with 4 Cheeses V +$1.25
  • Baked Pasta with Butternut Squash and Sage V +$1.25
  • Baked Pasta with Besciamella Sauce and Bolognese +$1.25

    Made with pork and beef

  • Vegetarian Lasagna with Mushrooms and Truffle Oil V +$2.50
  • Vegetarian Lasagna with Pesto V +$2.50

    Made with nut-free pesto

  • Vegan Lasagna with Lentils VG +$2.50
  • Gluten-Free Pasta with Arrabbiata Sauce VG GF +$0.62

    Served with parmigiano cheese on the side (cheese is not vegan)

  • Gluten-Free Pasta with Bolognese GF +$0.62

    Made with pork and beef. Served with parmigiano cheese on the side

  • Gluten-Free Pasta with Marinara Sauce VG GF +$0.62

    Served with parmigiano cheese on the side (cheese is not vegan)

Choice of Sides

Extra sides available for $3.75 per portion

Up to 2*

  • Bruschetta VG +$1.25

    Bread, cherry tomatoes, extra virgin olive oil, oregano, basil

  • Caprese Salad V GF +$1.25

    Tomatoes, mozzarella, oregano, and basil

  • Mix Salad VG GF

    Spring mix, carrots, cucumber, cherry tomatoes, italian dressing

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