Signature Sandwich Platters

Isle of Us
By Isle of Us
  • 1481 3rd Ave, New York, NY 10028
Choose from options like Tarragon Chicken, House-Roasted Turkey, Kimchi Grilled Cheese, and Mushroom Reuben. Made with locally sourced ingredients and a commitment to sustainability, these sandwiches are sure to satisfy any appetite. Perfect for office lunches, events, or any gathering where good food is a must
Sustainability Measures

Menu: $14.20

Staff Pick

Menu checked for nuts.

Unless an item is explicitly tagged with (N), everything else on this menu is nut free.

Disclaimer: restaurant carries nuts, so there is risk of cross contamination.

Choice of Sandwiches

Sandwiches are cut in half

  • Tarragon Chicken Sandwiches

    Green circle chicken salad on multigrain bread with shaved apples, red onions, and arugula

  • House-Roasted Turkey Sandwiches N +$1.40

    Green circle house-roasted turkey breast on house-made seeded focaccia with marinated cabbage, toasted almonds, cilantro, basil, pickled carrots, and orange-miso aioli

  • Kimchi Grilled Cheese Sandwiches V

    Muenster, cheddar, kimchi on pressed multigrain pullman. Trust us. Try it

  • Mushroom Reuben Sandwiches V +$1.00

    Roasted mushrooms, caramelized scallions, pickled red cabbage, swiss cheese, thousand isle dressing on multigrain bread

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