Plant-Based Handheld Breakfast

By Elephant+Vine
  • 2315 N Lincoln Ave, Chicago, IL 60614
  • 719 Church St, Evanston, IL 60201
Choose from our signature breakfast sandwiches and burritos to give your team some plant-based brain power for their day
Sustainability Measures

Menu: $7.95

Staff Pick

Menu checked for nuts.

Unless an item is explicitly tagged with (N), everything else on this menu is nut free.

Disclaimer: restaurant carries nuts, so there is risk of cross contamination.

Choice of Breakfast

  • "Egg" & "Cheese" Sandwich VG

    Vegan "egg", vegan cheddar "cheese", served on a english muffin

  • "Sausage", "Egg" & "Cheese" Sandwich VG +$1.00

    Vegan "egg", vegan "sausage" patty, vegan cheddar "cheese", served on a english muffin

  • Spicy Avocado & "Egg" Sandwich VG

    Vegan "egg", tomato, spinach, sriracha aioli, served on a buttered english muffin

  • Breakfast Burrito VG +$1.00

    Vegan "egg", vegan "chorizo", black beans, hash browns, salsa

  • "Egg" Potato & "Cheese" Wrap VG

    Vegan "egg", spinach, vegan cheddar "cheese", hash browns, salsa

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