Bagels and Lox Platter

Corey's NYC Bagel Deli
By Corey's NYC Bagel Deli
  • 515 N Dearborn St, Chicago, IL 60654
A classic combination - made complete with sides of picnic-style salads
Sustainability Measures

Menu: $19.95

Menu checked for nuts.

Unless an item is explicitly tagged with (N), everything else on this menu is nut free.

Disclaimer: restaurant carries nuts, so there is risk of cross contamination.

Included Items

  • Lox & Bagels

    Nova lox (smoked salmon) with plain and chive cream cheeses, sliced onions, tomatoes and cucumbers and capers. Served with nyc-award winning authentic kettle-boiled bagels. Also included: homemade coleslaw, potato salad and pickles

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