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5.0 (3 reviews)
95% Recent Order Success Rate
Staff Pick
Extra hors d'oeuvres available for $4.00 per person
1 piece of each per person
Up to 5
Choose 1
Food served on metal heating trays & platters. We will come back to collect our ware either in the afternoon or the next business day
Food served in aluminum & plastic. We will not come back
Curated menu items that pair with this package.
Mixed sliced fruit in a plastic cup
Priced per person, served on a platter
Priced per person, served on a platter
Priced per person - with cups, stirrers, cream, and sugar
Priced per person - with hot water & tea bags
Priced per person - with cups, stirrers, cream, and sugar
Please order for your headcount
Priced per person, served on a platter
Priced per person, served on a platter Includes flavors such as oatmeal, chocolate chip, peanut butter, macadamia nut, dark chocolate
Corkscrew required for opening
Corkscrew required for opening
Check out more from this restaurant: Arguello Catering Full Menu.
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