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4.91 (11 reviews)
100% Recent Order Success Rate
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Avocado, feta cheese, chili flakes, sesame seeds, mint, radishes and cherry tomatoes on multigrain toast
Avocado, chili flakes, sesame seeds, mint, radishes and cherry tomatoes on multigrain toast
Avocado, feta, cheese chili flakes, sesame seeds, mint, radishes and cherry tomatoes on gluten-free toast
Avocado, chili flakes, sesame seeds, mint, radishes and cherry tomatoes on gluten-free toast
Curated menu items that pair with this package.
Roasted eggplant salad with red peppers, tomatoes, pickles, pine nuts, and zchoog. Served with hummus and pita
Check out more from this restaurant: Gotan Full Menu.
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